HMO is a fantastic strategy for Cashflow...
Title Splitting is the only strategy that enables you to Title Split a HMO to access Capital Growth
We can show you how to have capital market growth and HMO cashflow in the same property???
HMO is a fantastic strategy for Cashflow...
Title Splitting is the only strategy that enables you to Title Split a HMO to access Capital Growth
We can show you how to have capital market growth and HMO cashflow in the same property???
The benefit of HMO to Title Split
One of the best ways to ensure you achieve Money In Money Out on your project (MIMO) is to make your HMO into a Suis Generis HMO (more bedrooms/units). This is great news for your original valuation, however in future valuations , this strategy could end up in lower valuation and here is why...
HMO to Title Split
Creating leasehold apartments within freehold buildings is the answer!!!
Harriet Dunn and Rachel Knight are the foremost experts in this strategy in the UK. We show you exactly how to make profit from this strategy, just like with a HMO.
In our online masterclass we will tell you exactly why this strategy is essential to ensure you get the maximum valuations and sales prices in the future for your HMOS and blocks.